Aiko Yoshino, Ph.D (SFSU) 

Assistant Professor, Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism, San Francisco State University

Dr. Yoshino is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Recreation, Parks & Tourism at San Francisco State University. She teaches or has taught in both indoor classrooms and outdoor classrooms (e.g., wilderness areas in Alaska, Mexico, Taiwan, and the Himalayas).  Before coming back to academia, she directed a global outdoor education organization, Outward Bound California. Her scholarly agenda is rooted in the health impacts of recreating in nature, including investigations into personal growth (i.e., resilience) associated with

wilderness-based programs and physiological and psychological stress reduction from walking in urban and peri-urban green spaces.


Dr. Yoshino is currently investigating innovative nature-based interventions for chronic illness prevention and treatment within marginalized communities. She also works with various community-based organizations to examine the psychological and physiological health impacts of their nature-based programs.  Most recently, Dr. Yoshino is working with partners to investigate the impact of Healthy Parks Healthy People co-branded events.


  • Ewert, A., & Yoshino, A. (2011). The influence of short-term adventure-based experiences on levels of resilience. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. 11(1), 35-50.
  • Wilson, J., McGinnis, N., Latkova, P., Tierney, P., & Yoshino, A. (2016). Urban park soundscapes: Association of noise and danger with perceived restoration. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 34(3).
  • Yoshino, A., Wilson, J., Velazquez, E., Joshnon, E., & Márquez-Magaña, L. (in-progress). Impact of organized park event on stress: Healthy Parks Healthy people as an upstream stress reduction strategy. Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health.