Barbara Henderson, Ph.d. (SFSU)
Interim Director of Ed.D. in Educational Leadership Program & Professor in the Department of Elementary Education at San Francisco State University
Dr. Barbara Henderson is the Interim Director and professor in the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership Program at San Francisco State University. She is also a professor in the Elementary Education department. She earned her Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1996 and her undergraduate degree from Haverford College. From 2005-2009, Barbara was the academic advisor for the San Francisco Education Fund, working with a group of P-12 teacher researchers, who were research fellows in the national Teachers’ Network Leadership Institute. Her research expertise is in teacher research, self-study research of teacher education practices, and collaborative oral inquiry processes. She teaches graduate courses in education on child development and research methodology including Qualitative and Mixed Method research.Together with Daniel Meier, she has co-authored a book on teacher research entitled Learning from Young Children in the Classroom: The Art and Science of Teacher Research. Barbara and Daniel also co-edit an online journal of the NAEYC entitled, Voices of Practitioners.
- Henderson, B., & Hyun, H. (2017). Teaching for social justice in a new Ed.D. program: A Collaborative Self-Study to Address, “Who Can Do This Work?” In Dalmau, M. C., Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Tidwell. Taking a Fresh Look at Education: Framing Professional Learning in Education through Self-Study. (pp. 23-39). Boston: Sense Publishers.
- Henderson, B. (2016). Building Fires: Taking a Critical Stance on How We View Gender in ECE through Teacher Research. Voices of Practitioners 11(1), 25-29.
- Henderson, B. (2015). Tech Smarts: Using Technology to Support Young Children’s Social and Creative Development. Voices of Practitioners 10(2), 24-29.
- Henderson, B. (2012). Teacher research: Effects on professional development and professional identity. Voices of Practitioners, 7(1), 1-6.
- Perry, G., Henderson, B., & Meier, D. R. (2012). Our inquiry, our practice: Undertaking, supporting, and learning from early childhood teacher research(ers). Washington DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
- Henderson, B. (2010). Mentorship of graduate teaching assistants: Effects on instruction and a space for preparing to teach adults. Studying Teacher Education 6(3), 245-256.
- Meier, D. R. & Henderson, B. (2007). Learning from young children in the classroom: The art and science of teacher research. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Henderson, B., Meier, D., & Perry, G. (2004). Voices of practitioners: Teacher research in early childhood education. Young Children 59(2): 94-100.
- Henderson, B. A. (2001). Supporting diverse voices in young children’s texts: Writing as a space for children to play at naughty & nice. Kindergarten Education: Theory, Research, and Practice. Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2001, pp. 3-22