Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D (SFSU)

Founder of Roses in Concrete Community School

Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Raza Studies and Education at San Francisco State University. He is also the founder of the Roses in Concrete Community School, a community responsive lab school in East Oakland (, the Teaching Excellence Network ( and the Community Responsive Education Group ( As a classroom teacher and school leader in East Oakland for the past 24 years, his pedagogy has been widely studied and acclaimed for producing uncommon levels of social and academic success for students. Duncan-Andrade lectures around the world and has authored two books and numerous journal articles and book chapters on effective practices in schools. In 2015, Duncan-Andrade was tapped to be a Commissioner on the National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future (NCTAF) and in 2016 was part of the great educators invited to the White House on National Teacher Appreciation Day by President Obama. Duncan-Andrade has also been ranked as one of the nation’s most influential scholars by EdWeek’s Public Influence Rankings for the past three years.



Jeff Duncan-Andrade is the co-founder of Roses in Concrete Community School, where the goal is to develop youth who are characterized by self-discipline, integrity, love and hope in the pursuit of justice and equity for all communities. The long-term goal is to create a model for urban education that prioritizes the needs of youth and families as the pathway to building healthy and sustainable communities across the U.S. and around the world. The Roses in Concrete Community School name was inspired by the book of poetry based on the writings of Tupac Shakur released in 1999, The Rose That Grew from Concrete. This vivid image captures the need to celebrate the tenacity and will of the rose that against all-odds, finds a way to grow in the inhospitable and toxic environment of the concrete, that it might transform the concrete into a rose garden.

Jeff Duncan-Andrade is the co-founder of Teaching Excellence Network (TEN) brings together teachers, school leaders, students, and families to build community responsive schools and classroom cultures that lead to engagement and success. TEN is designed by nationally acclaimed teachers and educational researchers to find and share resources that support the development of qualities that make schools exceptionally effective in serving their students and community. TEN has expanded from 26 schools and 3 districts in the San Francisco Bay Area (San Francisco, Berkeley, and Oakland) to over 200 schools in 9 states. TEN is now in 48 schools in 14 districts across California and currently serves 10 school districts in Colorado, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Washington and Washington D. C. Other national partners include KIPP Schools and Teach For Americal. Since 2012, TEN has served over 1628 teachers, 452 administrators, and 27,539 students worldwide. We have partnered with over 4,193 families—the majority of whom are people of color living in poverty across the nation.

Community Responsive Education Consulting Groups



Duncan-Andrade, Jeff. Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete. Harvard Educational Review, Summer 2009. (PDF)

Duncan-Andrade, Jeff. Ganstas, Wankstas, and Ridas: defining, developing and supporting effective teachers in urban schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. October, 2007.  (PDF)